A vision problem may directly impact a child’s performance in the classroom and on the sports field, negatively affecting self-esteem and confidence levels. Given that an estimated 80% of learning is visual, good vision can be the difference between making the game-winning catch and watching the opposing team score runs.
An estimated 25% of children have an undetected vision problem holding them back from succeeding in school and sports. If your child is struggling to keep up with their peers in the classroom or on the sports field, they may have certain lagging visual skills. Any of the following 20 signs may indicate that your child has a vision problem.
20 Signs of Child May Have a Vision Problem
- Blurred vision
- Double vision
- Headaches
- Eye strain or fatigue
- Sensitivity to bright light
- Excessive blinking or squinting
- Drifting or turning of one eye
- Poor eye-hand coordination
- Misjudging distances while moving in space
- Frequently falling or bumping into objects
- Difficulty maintaining attention
- Closing one eye while reading
- Turning or tilting head while reading
- Reduced reading speed or fluency
- Difficulty with reading comprehension
- Skipping words or lines of text while reading
- Losing place while reading
- Seeing words floating on the page
- Bringing text close to or far away from eyes to improve clarity
- Difficulty copying text
Keeping your eye out for telltale behaviors and symptoms is the first step in identifying a vision problem. The next step is to visit your [eye-doctor], who will assess your child’s functional vision. If any lagging visual skills are identified, your child may greatly benefit from vision therapy.
How Can Vision Therapy Help?
Vision therapy is a specialized program designed to improve the eye-brain connections in order to strengthen the visual skills necessary for academic and athletic success.
Each vision therapy program is customized to the individual needs of the patient and may include the use of lenses, prisms, occluders, filters and other equipment.
Is your child showing signs of a vision problem? Call Dr. Monte Harrel in Harrel Vision Therapy Center to schedule an appointment for a comprehensive vision evaluation.
Harrel Vision Therapy Center serves patients from Tulsa, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma City, and Fort Smith, AK, all throughout Oklahoma.
Frequently Asked Questions with Dr. Monte Harrel
Q: Isn't 20/20 Vision Good Enough?
- A: Vision involves a lot more than just how clearly you can see from a distance of 20 feet. There are 17 visual skills that are absolutely essential for success in reading, writing, math, and even athletics. A problem with any of these visual skills can cause poor academic and athletic performance.A comprehensive eye exam is the best way to rule out any vision problems that may be getting in the way of your child's success.
Q: Why Are Comprehensive Eye Exams Important?
- A: Basic vision screenings conducted at schools or by pediatricians may detect a distance vision problem, but they cannot detect other vision problems that can interfere with learning. During a comprehensive eye exam, your eye doctor will not only determine your prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses but will also check your eyes for common eye diseases, assess how your eyes work together as a team, and evaluate your eyes as an indicator of your overall health.