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Vision Therapy Blog

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4 Reasons Why Your Child May Be Refusing to Read

Children whose visual skills aren’t fully developed find it difficult and frustrating to read. Learn why your child may not want to read, and how vision therapy can help.

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Can Vision Therapy Help Those With Autism?

People with autism have trouble processing and responding to sensory input, including visual input. What many don’t realize is that visual problems may be causing or contributing to the visual sensory issues some autistic people experience. When this is the case, vision therapy can often help.

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What’s the Link Between Vision Therapy and Self-Confidence?

Poor visual skills can impact a child's self-esteem and confidence levels. Find out how vision therapy can unlock your child’s hidden potential and offer them the confidence and happiness they deserve.

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Children’s Vision and Learning Awareness

It's important to understand that vision and learning are intertwined. Make sure your child’s vision isn’t holding them back from succeeding in school by scheduling a comprehensive eye evaluation today!

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Does your Child Have a Vision Problem? Here are 20 Signs to Look Out For

Is your child showing signs of a vision problem? Discover the different signs and symptoms that can indicate a vision problem, and learn what you can do to help your child thrive.

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3 Causes of Lazy Eye in Children

Lazy eye (amblyopia) affects the vision of the affected eye, causing blurry vision even with corrective eyewear. Learn what may be causing your child’s lazy eye and how vision therapy can help.

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